Current Greatest Needs
Updated 12.2.24
Ramen noodles
Shelf stable milk
Pasta & pasta sauce*
Fruit cups
Instant oatmeal/grits*
Utencil packs
Plastic bags
Water bottles
Cereal boxes*
Granola bars
Tuna packets*
Canned veggies (pop-top)*
Instant coffee*
Peanut butter & jelly
Canned soup
Canned ravioli*
Gallon size Ziplocs
Vienna sausages*
Ensure (protein drinks)*
Canned chicken*
* Indicates items we are completely out of at the pantry
Food donations can be dropped off at McIver Hall Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 9am-1pm.  Please tell us if you need a weight total, and the group you are associated with, at the time of drop off. Please call or text 470-930-0968 to schedule an alternate drop off time.
We do NOT accept clothing donations. Please consider giving clothing to Mercy Church or Georgia Works!