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Donations can be made in the form of a check made out to:
Intown Cares
P.O. Box 8808
Atlanta, GA 31106
Intown can be named a beneficiary of your estate. We would be happy to discuss your options and connect you with a qualified wills, trusts, and estates attorney at no charge. Most estate gifts can be processed at no cost to you.
Your gift to Intown may be eligible for a match from your employer. Please check with your human resources or payroll department to see if your organization participates in matching charitable donations. Our federal tax ID is
Gifts in the form of publicly traded equities are a great way to make a donation. Contact our Senior Director of Development
Tanya Frazee: or 404-480-3397, for instructions to provide to your brokerage firm or agent.
Donor Advised Fund
Donor Advised Fund
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable investment account that allows you to easily contribute money and other assets to support nonprofits. Let your account sponsor know you would like to support Intown Cares, federal tax ID

Thank You for
Your Donations of $2,500 & Above During the Past Fiscal Year
Randall and Mary Lou Allen
Heather and Kenny Barrett
David and Natalie Batchelor
Christopher Brierley
Elizabeth and Charles Brinkley
Toby and Martha Brooks
Jennie Casaday
Aaron and Tal Chaiken
Elizabeth and John Cleveland
Beth Corrie and Hazem Ziada
Kelly and Daniel DeBonis
Lauren and Phil Ellen
Kimberley Ellery
Pete and Andrea Fischbach
Lynn and David Floum
Scott Fridkin and Cyndy Whitney
Joanna and Ira Genser
Sunil Ghatnekar and Christine Moon
Aaron and Angel Goldman
Craig and Michelle Gunckel
Heather and Jon Hallett
Nancy Hamilton
Skipper and Katie Hartley
Brandon and Jennifer Hayes
Richard Higgins and Margaret Graff
Robert Milton Holder
Bill and Cindy Humphries
​MJ Impastato and Chris Dawson
Tim and Laura Lee
Bill Levisay and Jennie Saliers
Sarah Lopez
John Lurz
Mike and Amara Lynch
Jeff and Cathie McClellan
Mark and Laura Miles
Julia and Jack Mitchener
Emily and Richard Newman
Randy and Tara Parrish
Melanie and Rob Palumbo
Sara and David Reed
Alex Romeo
Margaret Ross
Jay and Laura Sadd
Sarah Satola
Scott and Randi Schnell
Brad and Heidi Schweers
Doug Self
Jyotsna Shah
Rob and Allie Shields
Clark Simmons and Larry Owens
Ginger Hicks Smith
Shannon and Patrick Sullivan
Eric Sutliff
John and Marti Wolf